Tlusty Blant Made an Album About ME!!


In the world of music, A.I. is a new player in town allowing anyone with a phone, an an app and 5 minutes to spare to make songs and albums.

Love it or hate it A.I. music is here to stay and with all the controversy surrounding it, where do we blur the lines between man and machine? How much input is enough to credit the human with what's produced.

Tlusty Blant is an A.I. music creator who pushes the boundaries of what A.I. is capable of. By manipulating different algorithms and forcing the A.I. to do things is really doesn't want to or even always understand how to!

I've been in Contact with Tlusty Blant for a couple of months now and He's dedicated a few songs to me and used some of my ideas to inspire some of his work but the biggest honor bestowed upon me would have to be an entire album dedicated to me, The Heavy Metal Hiker!

I've done a reaction video on my YouTube channel that you can check out below.

I React to TLUSTY BLANTS A.I. Album Written About ME!

And if you'd like to see what the potential of A.I. music is and where it might lead us in to future check out Tlusty Blant on YouTube!!